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Working with JSON

Easy-to-use json4s wrapper

SkinnyController provides the following useful methods from JSONStringOps trait by default.


The following methods come from JSONFeature trait.


import skinny.util.JSONStringOps._

case class UserResponse(user: User)
case class User(name: String, age: Int, email: String, 
  isAlive: Boolean = false, friend: Option[User] = None)

val jsonString =
    |  "user": {
    |    "name" : "toto",
    |    "age" : 25,
    |    "email" : "toto@jmail.com",
    |    "isAlive" : true,
    |    "friend" : {
    |      "name" : "tata",
    |      "age" : 20,
    |      "email" : "tata@coldmail.com"
    |    }
    |  }

val userResponse: Option[UserResponse] = fromJSONString[UserResponse](jsonString)

val jsonString2 = userResponse.map(r => toJSONString(r))

See also: json/src/test/scala/skinny/util/JSONStringOpsSpec.scala

If you need more complex operations, use json4s directly.

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