Controller & Routes

Previously Skinny 1.x’s routing mechanism and controller layer on MVC architecture was built upon Scalatra.

Skinny project decided to move its own rich Servlet layer named Skinny Micro.

SkinnyController is a trait which extends SkinnyMicroFilter (WebApp) and includes various useful components out-of-the-box.

// src/main/scala/controller/MembersController.scala
class MembersController extends SkinnyController {
  protectFromForgery() // CSRF protection enabled

  def index = {
    // set 'members' in the request scope, then you can use it in views
    set("members" -> Member.findAll())

  def newOne = render("/members/new")

  def createForm = validation(params,
    paramKey("name") is required & minLength(2),
    paramKey("countryId") is numeric

  def createFormParams = params.permit(
    "name" -> ParamType.String, 
    "countryId" -> ParamType.Long)

  def create = if (createForm.validate()) {
  } else {

  // searches both query params and path params
  def show = params.getAs[Long]("id").map { id =>
    Member.findById(id).map { member =>
      set("member" -> member)
    } getOrElse haltWithBody(404)
  } getOrElse haltWithBody(404)


// src/main/scala/controller/Controllers.scala
object Controllers {
  object members extends MembersController with Routes {
    val indexUrl = get("/members/?")(index).as("index")
    val newUrl = get("/members/new")(newOne).as("new")
    val createUrl = post("/members/?")(create).as("create")
    val showUrl = get("/members/:id")(show).as("show")

// src/main/scala/Bootstrap.scala
class Bootstrap extends SkinnyLifeCycle {
  override def initSkinnyApp(ctx: ServletContext) {
    // register routes

#render expects src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/members/index.html.ssp by default.

<!-- src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/members/index.html.ssp -->
<%@val members: Seq[Member]%>
#for (member <- members)

SkinnyController & SkinnyServlet

There are the two controller base traits. SkinnyController is a WebApp (SkinnyMicroFilter). SkinnyServlet is a SingleApp (SkinnyMicroServlet).

In general SkinnyController is more suitable for Skinny framework based applications.

However, if you really need to use a Servlet instead of a filter, use SkinnyServlet.


SkinnyResource is a useful base trait for RESTful web services. SkinnyResource is very similar to Rails ActiveResource.

Resource Routing: the Rails Default (Rails Routing from the Outside In — Ruby on Rails Guides)

SkinnyResource is also useful as a controller sample. If you’re a Skinny beginner, take a look at its code.


SkinnyResourceActions has action methods for the resource and SkinnyResourceRoutes defines routings for the resource. If you’d like to customize routings (e.g. use only creation and deletion), just mixin only SkinnyResourceActions and define routings by yourself.

You can see a SkinnyResource example using the scaffolding generator.

./skinny g scaffold members member name:String birthday:LocalDate

Then you get the following code. If you need to customize, override some parts of SkinnyResource:


package controller

import skinny._
import skinny.validator._
import model.Member

object MembersController extends SkinnyResource {
  protectFromForgery() // CSRF protection

  override def model = Member // SkinnyModel for this controller
  override def resourcesName = "members"
  override def resourceName = "member"

  // parameters & validations for creation
  override def createParams = Params(params).withDate("birthday")
  override def createForm = validation(createParams,
    paramKey("name") is required & maxLength(512),
    paramKey("birthday") is required & dateFormat
  override def createFormStrongParameters = Seq(
    "name" -> ParamType.String,
    "birthday" -> ParamType.LocalDate

  // parameters & validations for modification
  override def updateParams = Params(params).withDate("birthday")
  override def updateForm = validation(updateParams,
    paramKey("name") is required & maxLength(512),
    paramKey("birthday") is required & dateFormat
  override def updateFormStrongParameters = Seq(
    "name" -> ParamType.String,
    "birthday" -> ParamType.LocalDate


Required view templates:

├── _form.html.ssp
├── edit.html.ssp
├── index.html.ssp
├── new.html.ssp
└── show.html.ssp

In this case, SkinnyResource provides the following URLs from SkinnyResourceRoutes by default. If you don’t need all the routes below, just mixin SkinnyResourceActions instead and specify only routes you need by hand.

AsyncSkinnyController & AsyncSkinnyServlet

If you’re interested in building more Future-wired and non-blocking application with Skinny Framework, take a look at Async* traits.

There are the two controller base traits for Future-wired applications. AsyncSkinnyController is a AsyncWebApp (AsyncSkinnyMicroFilter). AsyncSkinnyServlet is a AsyncSingleApp (AsyncSkinnyMicroServlet).

These traits are mostly same as the above normal Controller/Servlet, but the biggest difference is that action methods accept implicit SkinnyContext value as its argument. Hereby, action methods can be safely executed even when its operation is divided across multiple threads.

// src/main/scala/controller/MembersController.scala
class MembersController extends AsyncSkinnyController {

  def index(implicit ctx: SkinnyContext): Future[ActionResult] = Future {
    set("members" -> Member.findAll())

// src/main/scala/controller/Controllers.scala
object Controllers {
  object members extends MembersController with Routes {
    val indexUrl = get("/members/?")(implicit ctx => index).as("index")


skinny.Skinny provides getters for basic elements in view templates.

<%@val s: skinny.Skinny %>


beforeAction/afterAction Filters

Skinny Micro has before/after filters by default, but we recommend Skinny users to use Skinny’s beforeAction/afterAction filters. Skinny Micro doesn’t support to run the filters for only specified action methods or excluding some action methods from filters execution. So if you need filters that are similar to Rails filters, just use Skinny filters.


See also: Scala API docs for “skinny.micro.base.BeforeAfterDsl”

class MembersController extends SkinnyController with Routes {

  // Skinny Micro filters
  before() { ... }
  after() { ... }

  // Skinny filters
  beforeAction(only = Seq("index", "new")) {
  afterAction(except = Seq("new")) {

  def index = ...
  def newInput = ...
  def edit = ...

  // routes
  get("/members/?")(index).as("index")      // before, after
  get("/members/new")(newInput).as("new")   // before
  get("/members/:id/edit")(edit).as("edit") // after


Filter functions in Async Skinny apps accept implicit SkinnyContext value as its argument.

TODO: implementation

See also: Scala API docs for “skinny.micro.async.AsyncBeforeAfterDsl”

class MembersController extends AsyncSkinnyController with Routes {

  // Skinny Micro filters
  before() { implicit ctx => ... }
  after() { implicit ctx => ... }

  // Skinny filters
  beforeAction(only = Seq("index", "new")) { implicit ctx =>
  afterAction(except = Seq("new")) { implicit ctx =>

  def index(ctx: SkinnyContext) = ...
  def newInput(ctx: SkinnyContext) = ...
  def edit(ctx: SkinnyContext) = ...

  // routes
  get("/members/?")(implicit ctx => index).as("index")      // before, after
  get("/members/new")(implicit ctx => newInput).as("new")   // before
  get("/members/:id/edit")(implicit ctx => edit).as("edit") // after



SkinnyFilter is our original filter to enable easily handling before/after/error for each controller. You can apply the same beforeAction/afterAction/error filters to several controllers by just mixing in SkinnyFilter-based traits.

For instance, in skinny-blank-app, ErrorPageFilter is applied to ApplicationController.

trait ApplicationController extends SkinnyController
  with ErrorPageFilter {


ErrorPageFilter is as follows. It’s pretty easy to customize such a filter (e.g. adding error notification) as follows. If you need to access SkinnyMicroContext in filters, mix in MainThreadLocalEverywhere too.

import skinny.filter.SkinnyRenderingFilter
import skinny.micro.base.MainThreadLocalEverywhere

trait ErrorPageFilter extends SkinnyRenderingFilter with MainThreadLocalEverywhere {
  // appends error filter in order
  addRenderingErrorFilter {
    case e: Throwable =>
      logger.error(e.getMessage, e)
      try {
        status = 500
      } catch {
        case e: Exception => throw e

It just outputs error logging, set status as 500 and renders “/error/500.html.ssp” or similar templates. SkinnyRenderingFilter is a sub-trait of SkinnyFilter. SkinnyFilter‘s response value is always ignored. But SkinnyRenderingFilter can return a response body like above.

The second example is TxPerRequestFilter which enables you to apply the open-session-in-view pattern to your apps.

trait TxPerRequestFilter extends SkinnyFilter with Logging {
  def cp: ConnectionPool = ConnectionPool.get()

  def begin = {
    val db = ThreadLocalDB.create(cp.borrow())

  // will handle exceptions occurred in controllers
  addErrorFilter { case e: Throwable =>
    Option(ThreadLocalDB.load()).foreach { db =>
      if (db != null && !db.isTxNotActive) using(db)(_.rollbackIfActive())

  def commit = {
    val db = ThreadLocalDB.load()
    if (db != null && !db.isTxNotActive) {


How to Do It? Examples

Basic features needed when building Web apps are already provided by Skinny Micro. In this section, we’ll introduce you how to do common things with it.

Query/Form/Path Parameters

See Skinny Micro’s documentation: /documentation/micro.html#query-form-path-parameters


See Skinny Micro’s documentation: /documentation/micro.html#accessing-and-setting-cookies

Request/Response Headers

See Skinny Micro’s documentation: /documentation/micro.html#request-response-headers

Servlet Session

See Skinny Micro’s documentation: /documentation/micro.html#servlet-session

We recommend you use SkinnySession to keep your Skinny apps stateless. When you enable SkinnySession, these features also start using SkinnySession instead of Servlet session attributes.


import scalikejdbc._
import skinny.session.SkinnySessionInitializer

class Bootstrap extends SkinnyLifeCycle {
  override def initSkinnyApp(ctx: ServletContext) {
    // Database queries will be increased
    GlobalSettings.loggingSQLAndTime = LoggingSQLAndTimeSettings(
      singleLineMode = true
    ctx.mount(classOf[SkinnySessionInitializer], "/*")



class RootController extends ApplicationController with SkinnySessionFilter {

  def index = {
    val v: Option[Any] = skinnySession.getAttribute("name")
    skinnySession.setAttribute("name", "value")

DB migration file:

-- H2 Database compatible
create table skinny_sessions (
  id bigserial not null primary key,
  created_at timestamp not null,
  expire_at timestamp not null
create table servlet_sessions (
  jsession_id varchar(32) not null primary key,
  skinny_session_id bigint not null,
  created_at timestamp not null,
  foreign key(skinny_session_id) references skinny_sessions(id)
create table skinny_session_attributes (
  skinny_session_id bigint not null,
  attribute_name varchar(128) not null,
  attribute_value bytea,
  foreign key(skinny_session_id) references skinny_sessions(id)
alter table skinny_session_attributes add constraint
  unique(skinny_session_id, attribute_name);

Response handling

See Skinny Micro’s documentation: /documentation/micro.html#response-handling


See Skinny Micro’s documentation: /documentation/micro.html#flash

Request Body

See Skinny Micro’s documentation: /documentation/micro.html#request-body

File Upload

WARNING: Extend not SkinnyController but SkinnyServlet. You cannot use FileUploadFeature with SkinnyController.
import skinny.SkinnyServlet
import skinny.controller.feature.FileUploadFeature

// SkinnyServlet!!!
class FilesController extends SkinnyServlet with FileUploadFeature {

  def upload = fileParams.get("file") match {
    case Some(file) =>
      Ok(file.get(), Map(
        "Content-Type"        -> (file.contentType.getOrElse("application/octet-stream")),
        "Content-Disposition" -> ("attachment; filename=\"" + + "\"")
    case None =>
          Hey! You forgot to select a file.

See also Skinny Micro’s documentation: /documentation/micro.html#file-upload

CSRF Protection

Notice: CSRF protection implementation uses servlet sessions by default. Be aware of sticky session mode.

Define protectFromForgery in controller/RootController.scala:

class RootController extends ApplicationController {


Use Skinny.csrfMetaTags in /WEB-INF/layouts/default.jade:

-@val body: String
-@val s: skinny.Skinny
!!! 5
    != s.csrfMetaTags
    %script(type="text/javascript" src={uri("/assets/js/skinny.js")})

Check execution time

val result = warnElapsedTime(1) {
// will output "[SLOW EXECUTION DETECTED] Elapsed time: 10 millis"

In controllers, you can add request info:

val result = warnElapsedTimeWithRequest(1) {

Read your own configuration values

development {
  timeout {
  memcached=["server1:11211", "server2:11211"]

Read the server names like this:

val label: Option[String] = SkinnyConfig.stringConfigValue("defaultLabel")
val connectTimeout: Option[Int] = SkinnyConfig.intConfigValue("timeout.connect")
val memcachedServers: Option[Seq[String]] = SkinnyConfig.stringSeqConfigValue("memcached")

Awaiting several Futures within action method

The following is a simple dashboard application which collects several futures within the index method.

Since Skinny 1.2.0, you can easily access request and requestScope from Futures by using futureWithRequest block.

package controller

import _root_.service._
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
import org.joda.time._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

// using your own ExecutionContext will be preferred in most cases

case class DashboardOps(controller: DashboardController) {
  def setCurrentUser(implicit req: HttpServletRequest) = {
    // implicit request is not ambiguous here
    val userId = controller.currentUserId.getOrElse(controller.halt(401))
    controller.set("currentUser" -> controller.adminUserService.getCurrentUser(userId))

class DashboardController extends ApplicationController {

  val adminUserService = new AdminUserService
  val accessService = new AccessLogService
  val alertService = new AlertService
  val ops = DashboardOps(this)

  def index = {
    val scope: scala.collection.concurrent.Map[String, Any] = requestScope()

      // simply define operation inside of this controller
      futureWithRequest { implicit req =>
        //set("hourlyStats", accessService.getHourlyStatsForGraph(new LocalDate))
        set("hourlyStats", accessService.getHourlyStatsForGraph(new LocalDate))(req)

// [error] example/src/main/scala/controller/DashboardController.scala:43: ambiguous implicit values:
// [error]  both value req of type javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
// [error]  and method request in class DashboardController of type => javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
// [error]  match expected type javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
// [error]         set("hourlyStats", accessService.getHourlyStatsForGraph(new LocalDate))
// [error]            ^
// [error] one error found

      // separate operation to outside of this controller
      futureWithRequest(req => ops.setCurrentUser(req)),

      // just use Future directly
      Future {
        // When using Future directly, you must be aware of Scalatra's DynamicScope's thread local request.
        // In this case, you cannot use request here. requestScope, session and so on 
        // should be captured outside of this Future block.
        scope.update("alerts", alertService.findAll())

  private[controller] def currentUserId(implicit req: HttpServletRequest): Option[Long] = session(req).getAs[Long]("userId")
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