Skinny’s HTTP Client
Skinny Framework has a quite simple and handy HTTP client library. Of course, you can use it with non-Skinny apps.
libraryDependencies += "org.skinny-framework" %% "skinny-http-client" % "4.0.0"
Simple Usage
Basically, test code will help you to learn how to use.
import skinny.http._
// GET
val response: Response = HTTP.get("")
case class Response(
status: Int,
headers: Map[String, String],
headerFields: Map[String, Seq[String]],
rawCookies: Map[String, String],
charset: Option[String],
body: Array[Byte]) {
def header(name: String): Option[String]
def headerField(name: String): Seq[String]
def asBytes: Array[Byte]
def textBody: String
def asString: String
// GET with QueryParams
val response = HTTP.get("", "foo" -> "bar")
val response = HTTP.get(Request("").queryParams("foo" -> "bar"))
val response = HTTP.get(Request("").queryParam("foo" -> "bar").queryParam("bar" -> "baz"))
// GET with charset
val response = HTTP.get("", "UTF-8")
// Async GET
val response: scala.concurrent.Future[Response] = HTTP.asyncGet("")
val response = HTTP.asyncGet("", "foo" -> "bar")
val response = HTTP.asyncGet(Request("").queryParams("foo" -> "bar"))
val response = HTTP.asyncGet("", "UTF-8")
val response ="", "foo=bar")
val response ="", "foo" -> "bar")
val response = HTTP.postMultipart("", FormData("toResponse", TextInput("bar")))
val file = new"http-client/src/test/resources/sample.txt")
val response = HTTP.postMultipart("", FormData("toResponse", FileInput(file, "text/plain")))
val response = HTTP.asyncPost("", "foo=bar")
val response = HTTP.asyncPost("", "foo" -> "bar")
val response = HTTP.asyncPostMultipart("", FormData("toResponse", TextInput("bar")))
// PUT
val response = HTTP.put("", "foo=bar")
val response = HTTP.put("", "foo" -> "bar")
val response = HTTP.asyncPut("", "foo=bar")
val response = HTTP.asyncPut("", "foo" -> "bar")
val response = HTTP.delete("")
val response = HTTP.asyncDelete("")
val response = HTTP.trace("")
val response = HTTP.asyncTrace("")
val response = HTTP.options("")
val response = HTTP.asyncOptions("")
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