Dependency Injection

If you’d like to introduce dependency injection pattern in Skinny apps, we recommend using Scaldi which is a pretty cool library to inject deps.

An optional module skinny-scaldi is an easy-to-use Scaldi adaptor module which is developed by Skinny Framework team.

See also the following blog article and example:

Don’t use in Scala 2.10.x

This is an important notice.

Due to SI-6240, Scaldi doesn’t work fine in Scala 2.10.x.

Use Scala 2.11 (or higher).


skinny-scaldi is an optional module (= not to be enabled by default). Add it to your libraryDependencies.

libraryDependencies += "org.skinny-framework" %% "skinny-scaldi" % "4.0.0"

Simple Usage

A module which injects services

This is a simple module which injects service objects to controllers or else.

package service
trait EchoService {
  def echo(msg: String): String
class EchoServiceImpl extends EchoService {
  override def echo(msg: String) = msg
package module
class ServicesModule extends scaldi.Module {
  bind[EchoService] to new EchoServiceImpl

Yet another module

The following is another module example.

package model
case class AppName(value: String)
package module
class AppModule extends scaldi.Module {
  bind[AppName] to AppName("My First Skinny App")

Integrating Scaldi modules to Skinny controllers

skinny-scaldi‘s Scaldi integration is pretty simple. Just prepare configuration and add ScaldiFeature trait to controllers.

And add modules to src/main/resources/application.conf like this.

Be aware that module in application.conf should be not an object but a class.

development {
  scaldi {
    modules: ["module.ServicesModule", "module.AppModule"]
test {
  scaldi {
    modules: ["module.ServicesModule", "module.AppModule"]

The following is the base controller.

import skinny._
import skinny.controller.feature.ScaldiFeature

trait ApplicationController extends SkinnyController 
  with ScaldiFeature {

If you’d like to replace modules after loading from application.conf, just override scaldiModules: Seq[scaldi.Module].

package model
case class Locale(value: String)
object LocaleModule extends scaldi.Module {
  bind[Locale] to new Locale("ja")
package controller
trait ApplicationController extends SkinnyController 
  with ScaldiFeature {

  // this modules will be used instead of loaded one from application.conf
  // you can use singleton objects
  override def scaldiModules = Seq(new ServicesModule, LocaleModule)

Using Scaldi APIs

Now you can use Scaldi APIs like inject[A].

class InjectedController extends ApplicationController {
  def index = {
    val service: EchoService = inject[EchoService]

  def appName = inject[AppName].value // "My First Skinny App"

  // SkinnyEnv and SkinnyConfig are available by default 
  // though you can do the same thing by using companion objects
  def env = inject[SkinnyEnv].getOrElse("xxx") // "development"
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